Gastric ByPass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul, Turkey

What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery is a bariatric surgical method used in the treatment of obesity. In this procedure, the stomach is reduced in size, and the small intestine is rearranged. This enables patients to consume less food while limiting the absorption of nutrients.

This surgery is particularly recommended for patients with a body mass index (BMI) of over 40 or those experiencing serious health issues due to obesity. Gastric bypass not only promotes weight loss but also treats obesity-related complications like type 2 diabetes.

However, like any surgical procedure, gastric bypass surgery comes with risks. Therefore, individuals considering this method are advised to consult a specialized bariatric surgeon.

Who Can Have Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Who is a Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery is considered an effective treatment method, especially for individuals with morbid obesity. However, it’s essential to note that this surgery may not be suitable for everyone. Ideal candidates generally include individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 40 or those with a BMI between 35 and 40 accompanied by severe health issues.

Moreover, successful outcomes require the patient’s willingness to accept lifestyle changes post-surgery and adapt to these changes. Nutrition and exercise guidance before and after the surgery period are also crucial. However, it’s essential for potential candidates to consult a bariatric surgeon for a detailed evaluation. The surgeon will provide information about the patient’s health condition, history, and potential risks of the surgery.

What is the Difference Between Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Gastric Bypass vs. Sleeve Gastrectomy: Key Differences

Two common methods used in obesity surgery are gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. The differences between these procedures are apparent in how they are performed and their targeted outcomes. In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is reduced to a small pouch, and a significant portion of the small intestine is bypassed. This limits both food intake and calorie absorption. Conversely, sleeve gastrectomy transforms the stomach into a smaller tube-like organ, but the intestinal structure remains unchanged. As a result, while sleeve gastrectomy restricts food intake, gastric bypass both restricts food intake and reduces calorie absorption.

How Much Weight Can I Lose After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Weight Loss with Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is an effective surgical procedure aimed at providing weight loss, especially for individuals with morbid obesity. Patient experiences post-surgery may vary, but generally, 60-80% of patients can lose excess weight after gastric bypass surgery. This may vary depending on the individual’s initial weight, lifestyle changes, and diet. Typically, patients experience the most significant weight loss in the first 12-18 months post-surgery. Regular doctor check-ups and balanced nutrition are critical for successful weight loss during this period.

How Long is the Hospital Stay After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Hospital Process After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is known as an effective method in obesity treatment. The duration of hospitalization post-surgery generally varies depending on the patient’s overall health, type of surgery, and the presence of possible complications. On average, most patients stay in the hospital for around 2-4 days after gastric bypass surgery. However, this period may be extended or shortened based on the patient’s post-operative recovery speed, the doctor’s recommendations, and the risk of possible complications.

What is the Diet Like After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Post-Gastric Bypass Diet Guide

Nutrition after gastric bypass surgery is of vital importance. A specialized diet plan is necessary to ensure the sustainability of surgery’s success. In the initial days, liquid foods are recommended to support post-stomach surgery recovery. Over time, a transition is made to pureed foods and then solid foods. Consumption of high-protein foods is encouraged, while sugary and fatty foods are advised against.

What is the Cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery: How Much Should I Pay?

The cost of gastric bypass surgery can vary based on the hospital where the surgery is performed, the surgeon’s experience, geographical location, and many other factors. In Turkey, the cost of such a surgery usually varies according to the city, hospital, and the expertise of the surgeon. Pre and post-operative follow-up, additional tests, accommodation, and other expenses can also increase the cost. Therefore, it’s best to directly contact hospitals and clinics for a complete cost assessment.